Monday, March 9, 2015

Trimble TSC3 Data Collector

To start a new job on your TSC3 tap on the jobs tab and it will take you to a screen with multiple tabs.
You want to click on new job. Now you will give your job a name, most companies are different in how they require you to do this.
For example this is how I do my jobs everyday 030915TF. As you can see I put the date and then my initials. I do this for two reasons and the first reason is if a tech or anybody calls and ask a question about the job I can go into my DC and find the job they are asking about on that date. secondly by putting my initials they know thats my job file, as some companies may have 10 or more crews turning in data everyday. For them knowing whos data is whos is crucial. Anyways next you need to set your coordinate system up. Click on the tab next to cord system. Tap select from library then hit next.
Now your gunna set the system you will be working in NAD27 or NAD83 etc... I use NAD27 so i'll tap on US State Plane 1927. Next set which zone you are working in, which i'm in the Texas Central Zone so i'll tap on Texas Central 4203. Your company should already have your geoid model and datum grid setup in your collector. If they are not setup get with your supervisor to have them installed on your collector. And thats it, You've successfully created a new job in your Trimble TSC3 data collector. "One more not is that the Trimble TSC2 data collector is pretty much setup the same way as the TSC3s"

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